
Help us build the future of Web3

We are on a mission to build the largest library of Open APIs on The Graph. Join us on the journey to make Web3 data more accessible.

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Building hundreds of new subgraphs

As The Graph’s first Core Subgraph Developer, Messari wants to partner with the community on building 200+ standardized subgraphs for Protocols, DAOs, NFTs, and more.

Explore our Subgraphs

Unlocking fundamental data for protocols

Messari’s Protocol Metrics is powered by The Graph and our standardized subgraphs. Subgraphs built following Messari standards can be utilized in our product, unlocking deep analytical data for everyone.

Go to Protocol Metrics

Why Is This Important?

The collaboration between The Graph and Messari promises to change how the world accesses and consumes data. Messari’s contributions will introduce a new level of standards that directly impact data quality for users and developers. Our collective efforts will facilitate a new generation of open data and analytics tooling that will support innovation throughout the Web3 ecosystem.

Eva Beylin headshot

Eva Beylin

Director of The Graph Foundation

One of the core purposes of Web3 is about building an auditable financial system where all data can be inspected to create total confidence for all users. The Graph's subgraph platform is an essential extension to this by making on-chain data more approachable to developers with completely transparent code. The joint effort of Messari further organizes the entire Web3 ecosystem by launching standardized, well-defined subgraphs enabling out of the box protocol data analysis. The open source availability of this entire project sets a new standard in how data should be curated and processed. It has been very rewarding to collaborate on this project and watch it continue to evolve!

Michael C headshot

Michael C

Community Subgraph Developer

Frequently Asked Questions

The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying blockchain data in a decentralized manner.

Learn more about The Graph:

Subgraphs extract, process and store data from a blockchain so that it can be queried via GraphQL. Subgraphs act as the API to blockchain data and are typically built in a protocol-network combination.

For example, if you are interested in data from Uniswap V3 on Ethereum, you would query a Uniswap V3 (Ethereum) subgraph.

The Graph and standardized subgraphs act the primary data source for Messari’s on-chain data products, Protocol Metrics and Data Apps.

Protocol Metrics:

Data Apps:

Learn more about the collaboration between The Graph and Messari:

Messari’s subgraph standards make it easier for developers to build subgraphs and benefit everyone by making Web3 data easier to query and consume.

Yes! Subgraphs are open which means that anyone can query and use the subgraphs we’ve built.

Whether you’re a Developer, Research Analyst, Project Team or Web3 Enthusiast, anyone can help contribute to making Web3 data more open and accessible. This could be anything from building subgraphs to definition methodologies, or validating data quality.

Contributors will be rewarded and compensated for their efforts. For Subgraph Builders, this includes an exclusive NFT.

Complete this form if you’re interested in joining our efforts!