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AI-Powered Personalization: Tailored digests for the assets and projects you care about.

Comprehensive Market Coverage: All your essential updates in one digest.

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Devour Breaking News with AI-Powered Summaries

High Signal, Low Noise: Quickly get the gist of a story with AI-generated summaries.

Rapid Consumption: 150 words or less for efficient news browsing.

Source Agnostic: Summarization across the entire crypto news landscape.

Streamlined Experience: Optimized for crypto power users with keyboard shortcuts.

Read it for yourself: One click to "View Full Article" and read the articles in full.

AI Power Tools for the Modern Crypto Enthusiast
Busy Professionals
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Crypto Researchers
Efficiently browse the latest market data, research, and news.
Tech Enthusiasts
Follow the crypto markets seamlessly, without sifting through endless different resources.
Use Messari AI to stay updated on news related to the assets you hold.

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Live Newsfeed with AI-powered summaries highlighting the key points of each article

AI Digests summarizing key events across News, Research, & Governance customized for your watchlist

Unlimited Watchlists to monitor portfolios, ecosystems, and more

Limited access to AI-powered Project Recaps summarizing key protocol trends

Basic filtering to discover new assets across various categories and tags

Limited access to asset screening and pre-made screens

Full access to TradingView and Chartbooks

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Yes, Messari AI is expanding its feature set rapidly throughout the Messari product. Let us know how to make it better or where you want to see AI next in the Messari product suite by reaching out to [email protected].