
Uniswap total website visits grew 15x in July


Aug 6, 2020 ⋅  2 min read

Uniswap experienced a record-setting month this past July on multiple accounts. On July 27 Uniswap trading volume reached $120 million and the decentralized exchange saw nearly day-over-day growth of liquidity provided to the platform.

Additionally, people are searching for Uniswap like never before. Uniswap went from 90,000 visits to 1.42 million in a single month.

Uniswap trade volume and liquidity for those same dates also grew significantly.

Uniswap volume 7x over the same timespan

  • June 20th: $6.2m
  • July 20th: $43.7m

Liquidity on the DEX doubled

  • June 20th: $37.5m
  • July 20th: $86.6m

Currently, Uniswap V2 and V1 have combined liquidity of over $200 million and a shared trading volume of $67 million, although most now come from Uniswap V2.

Uniswap V2 continues to undergo a successful transition of volume and liquidity which is not a given in a decentralized world. Uniswap is experiencing breakout velocity of the rocket ship variety. If last month's numbers – in searches, volumes, or liquidity – continue at even a fraction of the pace, Uniswap is primed to have a sweeping end to the quarter and an even wilder Q4 of 2020.

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