


Jan 16, 2019 ⋅  3 min read


Grin is one of the first implementations of Mimblewimble, a blockchain protocol that aims to address privacy, fungibility, and scalability. Similar to Bitcoin, Grin was introduced by a pseudonymous author and contains no pre-mine, pre-sale, or founders reward.
Grin is often compared to Beam, which is also an implementation of Mimblewimble. The major differences between Grin and Beam lay in differences between launch structure, governance, mining, and monetary policy.

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Table of Contents

  • Background
  • Tools & Metrics
  • Whitepapers & Technical Resources
  • Research
  • Community & Social
  • Exchanges


Grin was introduced as a partial implementation by pseudonymous developer Ignotus Peverell and is an open source community funded project. The focus of the project is to create a privacy preserving blockchain that enables scalability and fungibility. To do this, Grin uses the MimbleWimble protocol which integrates privacy focused features like confidential transactions, CoinJoin, and Dandelion. The Grin implementation uses a dual-structure Cuckoo mining algorithm that allows both ASIC and GPU mining with an ongoing monetary policy that releases one grin per second, or 60 per block reward, without adjustments or a supply cap.

Read more on the official Grin Website

Tools & Metrics

There are multiple blockchain explorers for Grin. As more metric and visualization tools become available they will be added here.
Official Grin Explorer Release

Whitepapers & Technical Resources

Mimblewimble was first proposed on the #bitcoin-wizards IRC channel by pseudonymous author Tom Elvis Jedusor in July 2016.
Original Mimblewimble Whitepaper– Tom Elvis Jedusor

Following the release of Jedusor's whitepaper Andrew Poelstra refined the details in a whitepaper released in Oct. 2016.
Updated Mimblewimble Whitepaper– Andrew Poelstra

A more technical introduction to MimbleWimble and Grin is available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and Japanese
Introduction to Mimblewimble and Grin

Grin is built in Rust. Build details are provided on the project's GitHub.
Grin - Build, Configuration, and Running

Grin has provided an official release of the Grin Miner. Grin uses Cuckatoo32+, a variant of Cuckoo Cycle, which is ASIC friendly, and Cuckaroo29, a GPU friendly version.
Grin Miner


An in-depth look at the history of MimbleWimble, Grin, and Beam from Arjun Balaji at The Block.

MimbleWimble: History, Technology, and the Mining Industry– Arjun Balaji

A reflection on Grin's monetary policy written by Myles Snider for Token Daily.

On Grin, MimbleWimble, and Monetary Policy– Myles Snider

Grin's official wiki with up to date information on the project.

Grin Wiki– Grin

Jordan Clifford provides an overview of MimbleWimble and a list of useful resources for learning more.

Behind MimbleWimble– Jordan Clifford

Part one of a four part series that dives deeper into Grin and takes an extensive look at the monetary policy. Grin Money Explained #1– CryptoProfG

Community & Social

Links to official Grin channels:

Other relevant community channels:

Exchanges, Mining Pools, & Wallets

Grin trading is available on select exchanges including:
Galleon Exchange

Because of its fair launch characteristics and GPU friendliness a robust mining infrastructure has been created for Grin. Some available mining pools include:
Grin Pool
Mining Pool Stats

Some available wallets for Grin include:
Grin Wallet

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