
Ecosystem Brief: The Convergence of Optimistic and Zk Solutions

Jul 10, 2023 ⋅  12 min read

Since the advent of rollups as a scaling solution for blockchains, two competing types have emerged, optimistic and zero-knowledge (zk), differentiated by their respective proof systems. A proof system verifies the correctness of rollup transactions. These systems, particularly zk-proof systems, can be used to verify other applications, like bridges and privacy-preserving apps, among many others. As zk solutions mature, they may be paired with optimistic mechanism design to capitalize on their enhanced characteristics while managing their computational demands. This convergence doesn't imply that optimistic solutions will become redundant as zk technology advances. Instead, both solutions might find ways to benefit each other. As both zk and optimistic technologies evolve, it is expected that the convergence of the two will become more pronounced in the coming years.

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Stephanie graduated with a BSc in Psychology and began her career in startup operations and consultancy. Prior to joining Messari, she specialized in crypto technical communications. She was an early member of Messari's Diligence Team with ownership over product design, project management, and research quality. She produced and oversaw professional cryptoasset due diligence reports and helped scale the team to 20+ members. On the Enterprise Research team, Stephanie is best known for her work on validator decentralization, scaling, and the modular blockchain landscape.

About the author

Stephanie graduated with a BSc in Psychology and began her career in startup operations and consultancy. Prior to joining Messari, she specialized in crypto technical communications. She was an early member of Messari's Diligence Team with ownership over product design, project management, and research quality. She produced and oversaw professional cryptoasset due diligence reports and helped scale the team to 20+ members. On the Enterprise Research team, Stephanie is best known for her work on validator decentralization, scaling, and the modular blockchain landscape.