
Compounding Utility Through Composability

Oct 23, 2019 ⋅  11 min read

The foundational elements of existing protocols act as building blocks for the next generation of applications and mark a platform’s level of “composability.” Composability increases the rate of innovation because developers can use each others’ code like lego blocks. The rapid creation of new protocols also has a compounding effect on a network's utility. These experiments will ultimately attract new users, who will drive more volume through underlying services and the network as a whole.

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Wilson Withiam was a Senior Research Analyst at Messari. Previously, he worked at Circle Research where he conducted research on cryptoassets. He graduated with a B.Sc. in Kinesiology and Exercise Science before studying computer science and economics at UConn.

About the author

Wilson Withiam was a Senior Research Analyst at Messari. Previously, he worked at Circle Research where he conducted research on cryptoassets. He graduated with a B.Sc. in Kinesiology and Exercise Science before studying computer science and economics at UConn.