Modular Chains

Blobs and Magic Spend: A Recipe for Smart Wallet Growth

Mar 20, 2024Ā ā‹…Ā  9 min read

Recent upgrades, including EIP-4844 blobs and Coinbase's new magic spend product, should serve as much needed catalyst for smart wallet growth.

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Prior to joining Messari, Seth worked in traditional finance software and services, and has a MSc in Applied Mathematics. Seth is a Senior Research Analyst on the Enterprise Research team, and focuses on infrastructure, verifiable compute, and the AI x Crypto intersection.

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About the author

Prior to joining Messari, Seth worked in traditional finance software and services, and has a MSc in Applied Mathematics. Seth is a Senior Research Analyst on the Enterprise Research team, and focuses on infrastructure, verifiable compute, and the AI x Crypto intersection.

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