
🚀 [Analysis] Nuanced analysis of LocalBitcoins data suggests Bitcoin is working as Satoshi intended - Matt Ahlborg


Feb 12, 2019 ⋅  1 min read

Analysis of peer-to-peer exchange LocalBitcoins (LBC) shows a clear trend of higher adoption rates in developing countries. By modeling transaction volumes against various socioeconomic scores like internet access, data from LBCs makes adoption rates almost tangible. The less economically free a country is, the higher adoption is. In Venezuela, for instance, trade on LBC three years ago is less than one percent of today's. Bitcoin ($BTC) adoption, furthermore, is contingent on a minimum amount of internet penetration. This is a good explainer for Nigeria's higher BTC adoption rates over the rest of its African neighbors. The data points towards one conclusion: Satoshi's money is walking out its political vision.

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